I love this bookmark. It’s so stunning and seems very sturdy and durable. It’s the most beautiful bookmark I’ve ever seem
Avery Bryant
Best bookmark ever
Not only is this book mark so pretty and on point Harry Potter, it’s made of sturdy material and the design is embossed so I enjoy every aspect of it!
Amanda Wolfchief
Beautiful but basic
It’s beautiful but I expected it to be a little different quality, thicker, for the cost. The laminate top is slightly lifted on one of the edges as well. Overall though it is a beautiful bookmark and I love the design.
Hi Amanda,
Thank you for revewing our bookmark. For the concern on the quality, the peeling laminated top is actually the protective membrane of the bookmark. That needs to be peeled off to reveal the nice print quality. If there are any defects, please let me know and we can send you a replacement. Thank you!